T18 Secret of Kashimir Tea(29SGD/50g)
In the mystical Kashmir Valley, surrounded by the lofty snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, grow the exceptional black teas used in this blend, which yields a full-bodied yet mellow infusion with notes of white blossoms and hazelnuts.
T8 Margaret's Hope FTGFOP1-2nd flush(18.5SGD/50g)
The second flush of this prestigious garden is a favourite of connoisseurs. This TWG summer harvest infuses into a copper-red cup and develops a taste of delicious ripe fruits. The elegant floral bouquet lends itself perfectly to a light afternoon snack.這款茶之前在台灣有買過一次,不過等級可能不一樣。這款非常喜歡,上次應該是買比較便宜的秋摘,夏摘茶果然香氣濃郁,甚至有點焦糖化的香氣。溫度下降後也不澀口,焦糖香氣也微微存在,比起上一支神秘喀什米爾茶好上非常多,價錢也合理。感覺配奶油香的餅乾類應該會很棒!
A fragrant variation of the great classic, this TWG black tea has been delicately infused with citrus fruits and French blue cornflowers.
這款茶第一次喝到是同事M小姐帶來的Tea bag,一喝到驚為天人,大概因為我一直以來都不太喜歡伯爵茶裡面太過多的佛手柑香氣。不過目前單喝到的伯爵茶系列基本上都是另外的旁門左道XD比如說wedge wood的花香伯爵,再來就是French Earl Grey了。不然通通都得做成奶茶。不知道是心理因素還是真的就是比較淡薄,茶包的香氣感覺比較重一點
T3001 Earl Grey Fortune(19SGD/50g)
This strong and full-bodied first flush Darjeeling is blended with TWG bergamot to yield a most robust and balanced cup.比較起Fortune,我可能比較喜歡上面的法國伯爵。雖然標榜著春摘大吉嶺去做的伯爵茶,理應是比較厚實的滋味,但這款對我來說喝到最後根本沒有伯爵茶的英氣,是個年老色衰的伯爵(難道因為這樣才需要多一點的運氣?!)
T27 Jungpana FTGFOP1(20SGD/50g)
A renowned second flush TWG Tea from one of the most celebrated organic tea estates in Darjeeling. The beautifully crafted leaves unfurl to yield a full-bodied cup that will enlighten an afternoon.